Turn your classroom inside out!
Looking for ways to energize your students? Are you looking for programs that compliment your curriculum in the classroom? Are you trying to help your students strengthen their connection with nature while developing healthy relationships with their fellow students? YMCA Camp Copneconic is devoted to helping schools educate students through building an appreciation for the natural world and strengthening cooperative/group interaction skills.
Camp Copneconic also provides a character-building program that promotes caring, responsibility, respect, and honesty among students who become immersed in team and experiential based programming. Our program is uniquely designed to accomplish the following:
- Provide a hands-on, safe and fun educational experience in a natural environment.
- Strengthen the relationship between students and between teachers and students.
- Promote within students a greater sense of independence and respect.
- Enable and encourage students to understand and experience the relationships between themselves and the natural environment.